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Clarence Ng

Singaporean. Based in Japan.


Colours in








White is Rice.
The way to eat Japanese Rice is to eat it pure.
Rice shouldn't be soiled. Okazu* are eaten separately from Rice.
This is etiquette. It took me a while to get used to it.
I missed the way we eat jasmine rice in Singapore.
But Rice is the one thing that has tide me over the years I have been in Japan.

White is also snow.
I love how dead and silent it feels.
The little gritty detail that you hear.
The moment of peace and calm

Yellow and Orange is comfort.
Yellow and Orange is Autumn.
It's the season when nature reacts poetically.
It's the season when nature slows down its pace to take a rest.
It's the season I feel I could slow down my pace here and live forever.
It's something I could not feel back home.

Green is the smell of chlorophyll.
Green is an adventure and a taste of playfulness.
Green contrasts the wild versus the curated, the essential versus the non-essential,
that challenge my thoughts about living as a human being.
The thought of wanting to be at home and be normal but yet struggling with the need to roam and yearn.

*side dishes

Clarence Ng graduated from manufacturing engineering at Nanyang Polytechnic and later studied design and communication at LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts.

From 2000, Clarence worked full-time as a graphic designer and freelanced as stage crew, stage and production manager. He joined Esplanade – Theatres On the Bay in 2004 in a full-time position and assisted, coordinated and managed productions presented in Esplanade.

In 2009, Clarence was an intern at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) in Yamaguchi, Japan under The Japan Foundation’s “Future Leaders Programme”, as part of the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth (JENESYS) Programme. The JENESYS Programme was set up to further research the process of developing new works in both performing arts and media art.

Clarence joined YCAM in 2012 as Production Manager to manage its 10th Anniversary programme, directed by Ryuichi Sakamoto. After that, he took on a full-time position at YCAM to manage and restructure its production operations for the creation, research and development of new art work to help YCAM work towards becoming one of the world’s leading media art producing centre recognised by professionals from all over the world.

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